Meaning of the idiom wore a poker face

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What does the idiom poker face mean -

A face on a person that shows no emotion, often called poker face because in the game of poker it would be foolish to ... Top definition ... (Lady GaGa's song) similar expression used to prevent giving away one's motives, feelings, or situation. What Does Poker Face Mean? - Writing Explained Poker face definition. What is the meaning of poker face? Learn this English idiom along with other words and phrases at Writing Explained. What is poker face? idioms - Idiomatic expression meaning to not reveal emotions ... "He wore / put on / displayed his best poker face during the trial." ... stiff upper lip: self-restraint in the expression of emotion (especially fear or ...

Idiom : Have a poker face. , meaning and usage

We're inside it and supposed to be moving a mountain, and instead of using the waldo capabilities we're leaning out of a window and digging with teaspoons. Procession of the Black Sloth — They Who Dwell In The Cracks Sloths are a species of tree-dwelling mammal, about the size of a human toddler, found only in Central and South America.

Lady Gaga Reveals Hidden True Meaning Behind ‘Poker Face’ Hit [Video] ... Lady Gaga Has Revealed The Inspiration For Her 'Poker Face' Hit. ... Lady Gaga wore 128 carat diamond to Oscars.

However, there is one poker term that, among all others, has risen out of our game and into the common language at large, the “poker face.” The phrase poker face is a phrase thrown around constantly to refer to keeping one’s emotions in check. Upon meeting someone with a stoic nature one might comment, “That’s quite a poker face you ... (To) Play Second Fiddle - English Idioms & Slang Dictionary What does the idiom “(To) Play Second Fiddle” mean? Definition: To play a subordinate role to someone. For example: “I thought I’d have more responsibility in my new job, but I’m just playing second fiddle to Victoria.” poker face in a sentence - how to use "poker face" in a ... "Poker Face" was released as the second single from the album. The single includes a cover of Lady Gaga's " Poker Face ". Taylor Bowman has a poker face that can mask a million thoughts. BMW is maintaining its poker face in high-stakes bidding for Rolls-Royce. The poker face gives way to a great sense of humor. Poker Dictionary | PokerZone From A-Game to Zuke, the PokerZone Dictionary represents one of the most comprehensive resources available. Each term includes a detailed definition and an example of how the term is used in context.

Dec 22, 2013 ... the third degree – this phrase origin can be found within the Masonic Lodge. .... saving or losing face – the noble ladies and gentlemen of the late 1700s wore ... put in my two cents worth – has its origin in the game of poker.

Aug 23, 2013 ... Moneymaker wears his best poker face, keeping one hand on his chin and refusing to react. ... But emotional expression is not a one way street. ... The meaning of a player's behavior is also inferred from prior bets more often ... Idioms and Expressions - Pima County Fair A method for learning and remembering idioms and expressions. I wrote this ... Define and explain it in understandable words (including synonyms.) 3. Give at ...